Thursday, 28 January 2016

A non-member of Canoblas Lewis

This chap here is Tyr.

He has an occupation too, He is a Norse God.
He was so important that he gave his name to Tuesday. One of Tyrs jobs was as god of Justice.  And Honour and War and the sky and apparently a few other things too... apparently the gods are multitalented.

In the picture (by the Swedish painter John Baur) Tyr is depicted in the process of losing his right hand to the giant wolf Fenrir. In this story, the monstorous half god Fenrir is so wild that for the publics safety he must be bound (tied up). After numerous failed attempts to bind the beastie the gods commissioned a magical rope to be built specifically to bind the beast. When it came time to bind Fenrir, the hellish wolf was rightly suspect that the gods planned to trap him.

The wolf agreed to be bound on the condition that a god place his or her right hand in his mouth... (I take it you get the implications???)

Tyr was the god who stepped up and placed his hand in Fenrirs mouth - thus loosing it when the wolf found that he was caught in the rope. His self sacrifice made the gods home safe. Possibly a bit "loose" in a strictly moral sense - but he did give his word to the Monster and paid a hefty price as a result.

With an attitude to keeping his word and looking after his fellow citizens of Asgard, Tyr would have made an admirable Freemason.

If he had joined a lodge in the Central west of NSW, unfortunately, he wouldn't have been a member of Lodge Canoblas Lewis; He would be a member of Lodge Mandagery at Manildra- as they meet on a Tuesday - and Tuesdays are his day after all!

So mote it be!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Australia Day promotions

Recently at the Orange Australia Day breakfast at Cook park, The Lodge Canoblas Lewis ran a Freemasony promotion tent.

Yep, Canoblas Lewis promote The Craft

We didn't sell anything.

We merely handed out leaflets and talked to any interest man about Freemasonry and what the craft is all about.

We even refered the men to the other lodges in the area. We made the suggestion based on geographic location, indicated  free nights and by the general feel of the candidate.

This prompted the question: Why?
Why are you promoting all the lodges in the district  rather than just grabbing all enquiries for your own lodge?


At Canoblas Lewis we believe that a rising tide floats all boats. And what is good for one will in the long term benefit all!

We have long enjoyed positive relationships with our fellow lodges, as we all seek to make our members better men.
In addition, we also want to see a higher profile for Freemasonry in the general community. In order to achieve this aim, we will happily refer candidates to a more appropriate lodge; after all, there is no point in us having a casual member who attends 3 nights a year when the alternative would see him attend 10 nights a year and really enjoy the lodge setting.

We truly believe that men need Freemasonry! And if a potential candidate would fit in better at an other lodge then so be it.

It will work out better for the candidate and for Freemasony as a whole.

So Mote it Be!

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

January... AND Dahlias...

Well, the Month named after the two faced Roman God Janus is here; the Silly Season continues on unabated like a train headed to the big smoke, that is, until the traditional End of Festivities at Australia Day.

Except of course at Lodge Canoblas Lewis; where work was held as usual.

Within the Craft, many lodges shut down in January, as a lot of the members are away on break, or, the lodge meet smack bang on the long weekends (such is the case for the Brethren of Lodge Mandagery at Manildra). We, however,like to give the Brethren & other Masons the option of attending Lodge in January. In truth, this is due largely our regular meetings being held "just far enough away" from any holidays that the brethren are free to attend!

So, along with the visiting brethren, a short casual lodge was held with the usual formalities followed by a smashing South!
The Winner is.... the pink spikey one...

First up was a talk about dahlia showing by Bro R Smith, the current Supreme Champion of the Royal Sydney Show. We were amazed by the variety in the 100 plus cultivars of this little wonder. The Flower that won him the Supreme Champion title was a "Susan French" (The pink spiked flower in the lower left of the photo). Even the non-gardeners found the talk interesting!

Next on the list was a factoid session on the American Civil War by Bro R Turnbull; focussing mainly upon the lesser known events of this war; such as the Union Navy battled against the Japanese Navy during the Civil war. Bro Meagher recommended the book "Confederate Australians" to the assembly as it covers the visit to Australia by the CSN Ship "The Shenandoah" & the Australians who joined & sailed for the Confederacy, it also covered the influence of the American Civil War on the Australian Constitution.
Thankfully a Masonic "South" is Different to the South referred to in the American Civil War - Our South is a very peaceful & laidback affair!!

Final piece for the evening was a quick Poetry recitation by Bro Fergusson of "Bushfire". Well recited & poignant to the current Australian Summer.

A larger than usual crowd then relaxed after the very casual formalities of the Visitors & the Junior Wardens toasts & had a couple of "wiggies" (that is "ports" to the non-CanoblasLewismen out there).

Ah Freemasonry; it does the soul good!

So Mote it Be!

P.S.: Please keep an eye out for the Freemasons Tent at the Orange Australia Day festivities at Cook Park & come along & say G'day!